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Three Peaks conquered!

* 3-peaks.jpgThe Three Peaks Challenge tests the limits of participant teams - ascending and descending the three mountains; Ben Nevis at 4,409ft, Scafell Pike at 3,206ft and Snowdon at 3,560ft.

Team members have to cope with changing clothes, eating, drinking and sleeping as they travel to their next destination by road. It is a physically and mentally demanding team event that tests everyone at different stages - but it can be done.

The Bathroom Manufacturers Association's Amy Kirk (marketing manager) and Christian Taylor-Hamlin (technical director) finished the challenge on Sunday 30th August and raised an amazing £3,687 towards the ongoing target of £5,000 for the Children's Burns Trust. The challenge was not easy and did prove a step too far for one...

Stage 1: Ben Nevis (The Ben) - Scotland

Amy Kirk, Marketing Manager says: "We arrived at Fort William on the Friday night after a long 12 hours on the road to be greeted by some of the heaviest rain I have ever seen! For me it went a little downhill after that.

"We awoke at 5am ready to begin walking at 7.20am. The hike up was wet, windy and cold, but we intended to do the three peaks in under 24 hours so kept up the pace.

"It was during the climb that disaster struck.

"Climbing steadily up the steep incline, my foot just slipped turning my ankle over. Pain and swelling began instantly and I knew that was it, just as my challenge had begun, after months of preparation, it was over."

It later transpired that Amy had a partial tear in a ligament in her ankle which was just too serious for her to safely continue.

Christian carried the mantle and in awful weather conditions completed the climb. Soaked to the bone it was time to board the minibus and head off to the next challenge.

Duration - 3h 6min to summit, 5h 30 total climb - 4,409ft

Stage 2: Scafell Pike - England

At Scafell Pike the weather was clear and a welcome relief from the rain. Head torches were an essential bit of kit for this peak as the climb was done in pitch black so everyone was careful with their footing.

The climb went well afterwards it was back on the minibus to try and get a couple of hours sleep before the final challenge.

Duration - 2h 30min to summit, 4h 30 total climb - 3,206ft

Stage 3: Snowdon - Wales

"The journey to Snowdon was hard," admits Chris. "None of us really slept. We tried, but the combination of the rough ride and the stiffness of our legs made it near impossible. When we stopped for a break to stretch our legs the pain really kicked in for a lot of us."

The team arrived at Snowdon on a clear, sunny Sunday morning. The climb was hard due to the combination of sleep deprivation and exhaustion.

On completing the hike and reaching the finish Christian had only three words: "That was hard, I fancy a celebratory ice-cream!"

Duration - 2h 15min to summit, 4h 30 total climb - 3,560ft

Christian finished all three peaks with a total climb time of 14 hours and 30 minutes.

"Thank you to the team sponsors and supporters, thanks to your generosity the team surpassed all expectations and raised a fantastic amount for the Children's Burns Trust," says Chris.

"The question now is, what's next? - Watch this space!"

T: 01782 631619
E: [email protected]
W: www.bathroom-association.org

11th September 2015

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