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28th January 2021
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As many businesses are turning their attentions to Christmas bonuses, new research reveals that 75% of employees working within the ‘trade’ industry would not be motivated to work significantly harder in exchange for a bonus equivalent to 10% of their annual salary. Even incentives equivalent to 25% of annual salaries would not motivate over half of employees!
A bonus linked directly to an individual's work performance would however, result in an increase in output for more than one in three.
While I can understand that we all have different motivations, I can’t get my head around that fact that some of use aren’t doing our best. Surely, as well as letting our employers/employees and colleagues down, we’re letting ourselves down by not performing as well as we can, all of the time.
You can read the survey below and I’d love to know what you think about the results. Perhaps I’m odd in thinking that if I want to feel satisfied at the end of my working day, I’ll have had to put my whole self into whatever I’ve done. Or perhaps I’m not so odd… either way, your comments will be welcome.
Also in this week’s issue is a letter from Barry Ashmore of StreetwiseSubbie, which you may find a little controversial. John Austen and I have always felt that one of the benefits of the Internet is that it provides a great platform for discussion, so again, whether you agree with Barry’s sentiments or not, it would be great to learn of your reaction to his comments.
9th October 2015