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28th January 2021


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Abode supports the British Red Cross this Christmas

* Abode-Red-Cross.jpgAbode is wishing all of its customers and distributor partners 'Seasons Greetings' with a jolly e-Christmas card this year.

Instead of spending money on designing, printing and posting hundreds of Christmas cards, this year Abode is donating £500 to the British Red Cross 'Europe Refugee Crisis Appeal'.

The Red Cross volunteers across Europe are working around the clock to support hundreds of thousands of refugees as they attempt to reach safety. From Turkey to Hungary, Greece to the UK - the Red Cross is striving to support people who flee war and persecution.

Desperate families have no choice but to risk their lives, but Abode's donation will contribute in helping to supply food, water and medical care to those poor stateless people who have made a terrifying journey in search of safety.

T: 01226 283434
E: [email protected]
W: www.abode.eu

18th December 2015

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