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28th January 2021


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Product design scholarship launched by Plumbworld

* plumbworld-design-scholarship.jpgPlumbworld has launched the Plumbworld Design Scholarship 2017, a product design scholarship open to undergraduate first year, second year and third year product design, industrial design and 3D design students.

This is the first year the scholarship will launch, but if successful Plumbworld hope to repeat the scholarship annually. This year, the selected candidate will have their designs entered into an online poll and will be awarded £5,000 towards their university tuition and the chance for their product to be manufactured and sold on the Plumbworld website.

This year's scholarship requirement is to design a complete bathroom suite. The design must include matching toilet, basin and bath and entries are limited to one per person. Entrants must submit eight to ten images of their finished product and drawings or 3D CAD models will also need to be submitted.

Anthony Langston, training & development manager at Plumbworld, says: "The Plumbworld Design Scholarship is a great opportunity for product design students to gain an invaluable boost to their chances of breaking into the product design profession. As a design-led consumer business, the board at Plumbworld have recognised the need to cultivate product design talent in the bathroom sector."

Students must be enrolled at an accredited university during 2016 for their submission to be valid. Students enrolled at universities outside of the UK are also welcome to apply. If applying from another country, students must be on an equivalent accredited course.

Those students that believe they could design the future of the bathroom industry must submit their images and drawings by 30 November 2016.

The successful candidate will be notified by 1st January 2017 and the scholarship will be awarded within 14 days.

For more information or to read the full terms and conditions visit:


19th February 2016

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