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Your contribution to landfill...

* Food-waste.jpgProblems are often brushed under the carpet, but one problem that cannot be ignored any longer is the issue of sending food waste to landfill sites.

InSinkErator, inventor of the food waste disposer, has always had the environment at the forefront of its thinking, and provides a solution to reduce the amount of food waste sent to landfill sites.

It is estimated that 15 million tonnes of food is lost or wasted in the UK per year and 97% of this food waste ends up in landfill. The continuous strain that is placed on local councils has resulted in landfill sites becoming overwhelmed with rotting food waste, emitting 21 million tonnes of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere every year.

Composting food waste is a highly effective method of protecting the environment and relieves some of the huge strain placed on landfill sites. Composting, however, is not always convenient or an ideal solution for every household and a simple and alternative solution to composting is a food waste disposer.

Every InSinkErator food waste disposer is equipped with a top quality stainless steel grinding chamber to simply grind food waste into minute particles, without the use of blades, and flush them away down the drain. There, it can be transported to a waste treatment centre and converted into fertiliser or biogas for use as a renewable power source.

The food waste disposer not only reduces the need for kerbside collections and cuts down on the food waste being sent to landfill sites, they also reduce odours and bacteria in the kitchen by eliminating the need for an organic waste bin. Food waste is dealt with hygienically, efficiently and quickly without the use of any blades. The food waste disposer is now playing an increasingly critical environmental role in managing food waste and gaining popularity on a global scale.

InSinkErator has a range of models to suit every household, whether big or small, old or new. Each model can be just as easily retrofitted into an existing sink, as incorporated into a new kitchen design and comes complete with everything needed for installation. The top-of- the-range Evolution 250 waste disposer model is a premium addition to the kitchen that is significantly quieter than standard models, and includes six years' warranty for peace of mind. The compact M Series range offers three affordable disposers, all of which utilise the same technology, quality parts and American craftsmanship as the top of the range model.

Kevin Carr, UK Sales Manager for InSinkErator, say:s "Food waste is a growing concern and we are looking to help homeowners manage the problem as sustainably as possible. An InSinkEratorfood waste disposer is an invaluable asset for disposing of food waste in a hygienic and sustainable way, allowing more homes than ever before to divert their food waste away from landfill."


13th May 2016

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