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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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Were you around when the UK ‘decimalised’ in the 70s, or when the Euro was launched? Or do you live in a country that adopted the Euro in later years?

I understand that in every scenario, vendors used the changes as an excuse to increase prices – in some cases by quite a lot. I don’t know how it happened regarding the Euro (only that it did) but decimalisation encouraged vendors to ‘round everything up’ to the nearest penny, rather than reduce it. Yes – I know it was only a penny, but back then they were worth something and when everything was added up, the rounding up made a big difference to a household’s monthly spend.

Today we’re running a ‘Soapbox’ from a delivery company whose competitors are using ‘Brexit’ as an excuse to increase prices by 10%. This is not the first time this practice has been brought to my attention.

Let’s all jump on the bandwagon while we can, shall we?

Whether we use it for business or pleasure, the Internet has given us a Pandora’s Box of knowledge and the ability to communicate about anything we wish to discuss, with just about everyone – whether we know them or not.

As well as being able to find out what others think of a product or service before we buy into it (thanks to websites full of customer reviews), it has made us all into experts at shopping around and getting the best possible deals from companies that we know will look after us.

If you need to raise prices for a valid reason then go ahead, but raised prices thanks to what may be perceived as a flimsy excuse such as a break with the EU that many still believe will not be happening (and if it does, not until at least 2019) will result in customers buying elsewhere.

Be warned…



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Jan Hobbs



22nd July 2016

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