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28th January 2021


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Icing on the cake: in-toto Kitchens' Big Barnardo's Cake Off

* In-toto-Barnardoes.jpgWinner of the in-toto Kitchens' Big Barnardo's Cake Off competition, Lucy Brittle, enjoyed her baking masterclass prize with MasterChef: The Professionals winner, Steven Edwards, recently.

Taking place at in-toto Mere Green, the Kitchen Design Studio was the perfect setting for Steven to teach Lucy what it takes to be a true MasterChef. Using the studio's working in-toto kitchen, competition winner Lucy was treated to a VIP baking experience with the celebrity chef as he shared the recipes for his delicious panna cotta and legendary honey cake - the recipe that won Steven the title of MasterChef in 2013!

"Lucy is a complete natural in the kitchen - a MasterChef in the making!" Steven said of his involvement in the charity competition.

"Lucy impressed me from the very start with her rainbow decorated cake, so it was a pleasure to share some trade secrets and hopefully encourage a young budding baker to pursue her passion."

The in-toto Big Barnardo's Cake Off took place earlier this year, when the well-known kitchen company asked children around the UK to create imaginative and delightfully decorated treats for the chance to win a baking masterclass with Steven and four tickets to Cadbury World.

Lucy's design made the shortlist after impressing Steven, and then, in the public Facebook vote, received an incredible 274 votes and secured victory.

Held in aid of Barnardo's, the competition enabled in-toto to raise over £2,000 for the children's charity through donations and cake decorating fundraising days at a number of its studios across the UK.

Gurdev Singh, Barnardo's Regional Fundraising Manager attended the baking masterclass at the in-toto studio in Mere Green and says: "It was a pleasure to meet Lucy and on behalf of everyone at Barnardo's, I would like to thank in-toto Kitchens and all the children that took part in the competition for helping to raise money and awareness to support our charity."


2nd December 2016

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