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28th January 2021


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Hoover donates laundry appliances to Marina Dalglish Appeal

* Hoover-donates.jpgHoover has donated two appliances to the Larks Breast Cancer Centre Liverpool branch of the Marina Dalglish Appeal, a charity aimed at improving the lives of cancer sufferers.

Hoover donated a DXP410AIW washing machine and DYC710AVBX tumble dryer, to be used by patients and visitors to the centre.

"The Marina Dalglish Appeal is a fantastic charity that provides vital support during what is a very difficult and worrying time for everyone involved," says Steve Macdonald, marketing director of the Hoover freestanding division. "The charity has helped raise funds for significant cancer treatment facilities in Liverpool and offer a fantastic service to the community."

The Marina Dalglish Appeal was set up in 2005 by the family of Liverpool FC legend, Kenny Dalglish, after Marina, Kenny's wife, was successfully treated for breast cancer. The Larks Centre aims to provide a calm and relaxing space where breast cancer sufferers and their families can find a much-needed friendly support network away from a hospital environment.

Lauren Dalglish, daughter of Marina and Kenny, who oversees the running of the Larks Centre says: "We are grateful for the kind donation from Hoover. Our goal is to make a difference, and receiving donations of this kind help support us in our mission."

Steve concludes: "The Larks Breast Cancer Centre is local to our Bromborough-based Hoover office and so we were really keen to support the local community and wanted to help out the worthy cause in any way we could.

"Hoover is proud to support the Marina Dalglish Appeal and we are hopeful the washing machine and tumble dryer will be useful to those at the Larks."


16th December 2016

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