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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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Kitchen retailers jet off to Tenerife as part of Faith Furniture Co's Winter Sun incentive!

* Kitchen-retailers-jetoff.jpgWith the days getting shorter and the hectic build-up to Christmas getting longer, it was time for a well-deserved break for a group of hardworking retailers! Last year, Faith Furniture Company invited all retail partners of its LochAnna kitchen brand to take part in a fantastic incentive to win some Winter sun on an end-of-year excursion to Tenerife - and they rose to the challenge.

Leaving on Monday 12th and returning Thursday 15th December, Faith Furniture Company took a group of its retailers on an all-expenses paid trip to the largest of Spain's Canary Islands for an unforgettable holiday.

Tenerife is a well-known destination for its combination of relaxation and entertainment, with a mixture of breathtaking scenery including Mount Teide, plus plenty of bars, restaurants and sandy beaches.

To win, retailers simply needed to have achieved their trade sales target on LochAnna furniture between 1st March and 15th November 2016.

Retailers who generated an additional £5,000 in sales also won a second ticket for a friend or family member.

T: 01204 328720
E: [email protected]
W: www.faithfurniture.co.uk

6th January 2017

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