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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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Waterwise and Ideal Standard commissioned a water usage report at the end of last year, the results of which, reveal that more of us are actively using less water - up to 88% of respondents in 2016 compared to 70% in 2015. Some of this was down to a major increase in the use of water-efficient appliances, such as taps, showers and washing machines, as we either try to keep a lid on our bills or simply don't like wasting water - or a mixture of both.

The news that 37% of those surveyed don't know how much water they use each day, suggests that those with a water meter, who can see how much water they are using and how, are more likely to be water savvy than those paying a fixed tariff. An encouraging 82% of those with a meter take steps to reduce water usage and thus save money, compared to just 30% of those with a set bill.

You can read the full report below, but in the meantime, here are some water-saving facts, of which we should all be aware and which we should share with customers who are buying anything that requires water...

* A running tap wastes over 6 litres/min * A dual flush toilet can save 7-9 litres each short flush * Don't try and flush cotton balls, wipes or make up tissues. As well as wasting water, you're likely to block your drains * Be aware that although a bath typically uses 80 litres, a power-shower may actually use more, so a shower is not always the better option. An inch less depth can save five litres while a shower timer can save loads more * Low flow aerated showerheads reduce water usage but not the shower's power (or a tap's) * If a dishwasher isn't going to be fully loaded every time, then it's probably too big for the household's needs * Experiment with different settings on the dishwasher and washing machine, for perfect results using minimal water and energy * Soak vegetables in a bowl and use a lid while cooking - and remember not to overfill that kettle! * Save around 10 litres a day by refrigerating drinking water rather than running the tap until it runs cold

The survey shows we're making headway, but there's still a lot more we can do and I can't help but think that a water meter clearly focuses the mind!  



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Jan Hobbs



13th January 2017

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