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28th January 2021


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Abode's Pronteau 3 in 1 video has landed

* Abode-Pronteau-website.jpgTo accompany the launch of the Pronteau 3 in 1 video steaming hot filtered water tap collection, Abode has released a short promotional video to showcase the collection which can now be viewed on the www.pronteau.co.uk website as well as all social media platforms.

The video gives a short summary of the Pronteau 3 in 1 video range and its benefits, so both retailers and customers can see precisely what the tap has to offer - one single, stylish monobloc tap in a variety of styles and finishes accompanied by a compact boiler, perfect for any home or small office. As the advertising strap line points out - Cold, Hot, 98º - Water the way you want it!

Helen Clark, Abode marketing manager comments: "Anyone watching the video or viewing the collection online will be impressed when they see how easy and stylish it is, not only to make a hot drink in seconds, but to have instant hot water 24/7.

"Our new Pronteau 3 in 1 video taps come in two designs and five finishes, along with the compact ProBoil.2 boiler, complete, and all at affordable prices.

Visit www.pronteau.co.uk for further information.

T: 01226 283434
E: [email protected]
W: www.abode.eu

30th June 2017

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