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28th January 2021


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Amica launches new cooling that will help to tackle food waste.

* Amica-launch.jpgUK consumers throw away an astonishing £17 billion worth of food every year. A high percentage of this food is fresh fruit and vegetables that look tired in fresh produce drawers or has gone past its best because the food was not eaten while it was in perfect, unblemished condition.

Europe's fastest growing domestic appliance company Amica has tackled the problem by developing Vit Control Plus, a revolutionary new crisper bin that keeps fresh foods such as fruit and vegetables in good condition for three times longer than usual. Vit Control Plus features a Fresh Pad with diamond shaped holes that allows unrestricted air flow around the food, keeping it fresher longer.

"We know that rising food prices have put families under pressure so anything that reduces waste and spending is good news," comments Amica's marketing manager Steve Corbett.

The Vit Control Plus crisper is available on selected models from the Amica range.

Image: Amica FK3283FX - one of the models from Amica to feature the new Vit Control Plus.

Social: @amicauk

8th September 2017

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