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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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KBB 2018: Blum set to create its biggest stand ever at Birmingham show - T120, Hall 17

* Blum-Space-Tower-Landmark.jpgKBB Birmingham is the UK's first and foremost industry experience, offering retailers, fitters, designers, architects and suppliers unrivalled insight, inspiration and innovation into the latest products and services in the KBB sector. Blum, the UK's leading fittings supplier, has announced that it will be unveiling its biggest stand ever at 2018's event.

Visitors to the Blum stand will experience the very latest products, including stunning Space Towers, along with in-depth details on its outstanding services for retail and technical support.

* Blum-retailer-kitchens.jpgWhether you need assistance on planning, installing or ordering the correct components for a project, Blum's extensive range of services will make your task easier.

These include planning tools, architectural specifications, special applications for drawings as well as videos and assembly aids to help fitters achieve the perfect project finish.

* Blum-Technical-Room.jpg"We know how valued our technical support is within the sector," says Blum UK sales & marketing director David Sanders. "So with this in mind, our aim for KBB Birmingham 2018 is to design our biggest stand ever in order to showcase our outstanding services as well as the latest innovations in products.

"It's going to be our biggest and best yet.

* Blum-1200-SPACE-Tower.jpg"Blum is renowned for its quality and innovation, both in terms of products and services, so make sure you don't miss out - visit www.kbb.co.uk to register for your ticket to the industry's unmissable event.

"Think Blum. Think Differently...

T: 01908 285700
W: www.blum.com

2nd February 2018

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