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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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Whenever I’m out and about, I generally seek out the washrooms of whichever establishment I’m visiting – not because I need to, but because I like to see whose sanitaryware has been used, how it seems to be holding up to constant use by the building’s owners and visitors and, importantly, how clean it is.

As editor of KBzine, I get to see lots of new products that haven’t yet been installed or used, as well as some outstanding photography that makes me truly envious of whoever’s lucky enough to enjoy the facilities pictured, or those like them. It’s only when something’s been in use for some time though, that I can tell whether it’s really fabulous or whether it doesn’t quite make the grade…

In yesterday’s Cleanzine, the other e-zine John and I have been producing for almost two decades (now that makes me feel old!) I ran a news-piece about the launch of the Loo of the Year Awards – which I have in the past helped judge. It occurred to me that I ought to tell you about them, because many of the products I write about in KBzine feature in the winning washrooms and there’s some great publicity to be gained from getting involved.

These Awards cover retail, hospitality, leisure, heritage, entertainment, holiday parks, education, health, offices, transport, sport, beaches and workplaces, as well as car parks, public and mobile toilets in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man, so as you can imagine there are lots of possibilities to get your name in lights. The team of judges visits every facility that’s entered.

The closing date for entries is 30th June and the finalists and winners are celebrated at an all-day event in December, which offers plenty of fun and networking and those all-important introductions to potential new clients, as well as small scale exhibition opportunities.

Further publicity is also up for grabs by linking to the Awards themselves:  the organisers are always looking for sponsors and understandably when anything as quirky as the nation’s toilets are under the spotlight, the competition and Awards event always attract the attention of the national and local press, as well as the TV cameras!

If you’d like to find out more about getting involved, email Mike Bone at [email protected] or visit www.loo.co.uk and do let me know if you’re going to take part – either as an entrant or as a sponsor.



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Jan Hobbs



9th February 2018

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