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28th January 2021


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Full steam ahead for Steamist

* Steamist1.jpgSteamist, which supplies bespoke, luxury steam rooms, showers and saunas to the residential and commercial sectors, will be demonstrating its steam shower in the Total Sense Steam Cabin to potential specifiers and installers.

Visitors will also get the chance to look at the ShowerSense, which enables the user to employ up to three separate outlets. Then the luxury extras include the ChromaSense Lighting option which lets the bather switch between six colour enhancements of blue, green, pink, red, yellow and purple, as well as white.

* Steamist2-remote.jpgSteamist's TSC-450, meanwhile, offers the ability to select music/audio via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled devices, played through powerful 700W speakers. The new 550 Control, which has a sleek, modern look, now also offers Spotify.

Internet connectivity takes Steamist's showering/steam bathing experience one step further, in that the steam and shower can even be activated via computer or smartphone.

* Sreamist-colour-effects.jpgHowever, it is Steamist's TotalSense Controls that are the crucial element of the whole installation when specifying a steam room, which visitors to the stand will be able to explore.

* Steamist-digital.jpgThey will be reassured that the TSX-220 control ensures safety from outside the steam room - offering an on/off button with the option to select the preferences of two users as does the TSC-450 Touchscreen Control which also sets individual temperature and duration requirements, as well as settings for steam or shower.

Steamist is looking forward to welcoming customers old and new to Stand B50 and will have a team of technical as well as sales staff on hand to explain the range of showering and steam room options available.

T: 0238058 3666/3999
E: [email protected]
W: www.steamist.co.uk

2nd March 2018

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