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28th January 2021


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Shrinking kitchens shouldn't mean shrinking profits

* 4d-Kitchen-Virtual-Worlds.jpgResearch by LABC Warranty has revealed that the size of the nation's kitchens is shrinking, making it all the more important to ensure the right decisions are made when it comes to fitting out a space.

That's according to Nathan Maclean, managing director of Virtual Worlds, who has said that smaller spaces can still be a valuable part of the family home when designed correctly.

Furthermore, this decrease in size should not be seen by designers as a problem, but rather an opportunity to show their creativity and flair and offer solutions that delight their customers.

* virtual-w-maclean-new3.jpgAccording to the report, kitchens have shrunk by 13% in new build homes since the 1960s, despite a current trend towards island kitchens which naturally require a larger space in order to work to their maximum potential.

"House sizes have been shrinking for a number of years, creating new challenges for both homeowners and designers," explains Nathan.

* Virtual-W-Kitchen1.jpg"But the reduction in space can be offset by clever design work - in fact it can be a great opportunity for a designer to show a bit of creativity and work on a solution that their customer will love for years to come.

"Tricks such as incorporating lighter colours, floor-to-ceiling storage and the use of materials such as glass can all make a room seem much bigger and brighter without requiring any additional living space.

* Virtual-W-Kitchen2.jpg"And they can provide the opportunity for designers to increase profits by upselling creative solutions that help to make the space feel much more pleasant and open.

* Nathan-Maclean.jpg"Of course, for designers looking to show off these designs in the best possible light, they will need a CAD solution that truly shows off their work and paints their design in the best possible light.

"Virtual reality CAD solutions such as 4D Theatre from Virtual Worlds allow retailers to showcase designs to customers in all their glory, giving them the chance to walk around their space before committing to a purchase - reducing the chance of buyer's remorse."


20th April 2018

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