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Top seven apps that every trades person needs

* Top-seven-apps.jpgEvery trades person needs their toolkit, but it doesn't only have to include circular saws, hammers and tape measures. In fact, there are many virtual apps available on smart phones that can make an installer's day easier and more productive. Worktop specialist Maxtop, has put together a handy list of examples...

1. Checklist

It goes without saying that any day can be crammed with a number of different activities and tasks. Something as simple as a to do list can really help keep everything organised and ensure that no job goes unchecked (literally!). There are so many advantages to having this on your phone, such as being able to access and update it wherever you go and receiving notifications when you're due to complete something.

Try these apps:
- Wunderlist
- Google Keep
- Checklist+

2. Maps

The last thing you want is to get lost on your way to the next job. Fortunately, you don't need a SatNav to get a little bit of direction now - there are many free apps that will point you in the right direction. One of the best is Google Maps, which allows you to input your destination and it will give you directions based on your current location. Many apps will even speak to you, just like a SatNav, and don't require you to keep your phone or tablet unlocked while you drive.

Try these:
- Google Maps
- Apple Maps
- CoPilot GPS

3. Note-taking

Remembering the dimensions of all those rooms, worktops and appliances is not something you want to be leaving on pieces of paper. Aside from the fact that it's easily lost, it can also mean you end up holding onto unnecessarily large folders of things that you don't even need any more! There are some fantastic yet simple apps that allow you to create notes on-the-go.

Try these:
- Evernote
- Microsoft OneNote
- Post-it Plus

4. Measurement / spirit level

Left some of your tools in the garage? Not to worry! Most smartphones can actually double up as hands-on tools, and one of the most useful is the spirit level. Your phone automatically tracks the angle at which you're viewing it, and this technology (called the accelerometer) can be used by spirit-level apps. However, be sure to check that they are calibrated correctly first - it's definitely worth checking the accuracy of it against an actual spirit level so that it's ready just in case.

Try these:
- Surface Level
- Pocket Bubble Level
- Social networking

A really great way to build relationships with your customers is to connect with them on social media. They're free to join and can be a great way for you to market your services. Just be sure to set up your profile as professionally as possible, and if it's a public social network such as Twitter, be careful not to post anything too controversial which could upset others.

Try these:
- Twitter
- Facebook
- LinkedIn

6. Reminders

Though not technically a separate app, using the reminders function that is built in to your phone can be a great way of organising your day. If you're using an iPhone, you can even create reminders using Siri, the inbuilt speech recognition tool. Simply saying "Remind me to reorder more worktops at 11am on Monday," will make a notification pop up to you at that time. This is very handy.

- Alarmed - Reminders + Timers
- Countdown+
- iOS Reminders
- Financial apps

Keeping track of your finances on the go has never been easier with apps that cover budgeting, invoicing and more. Make sure that you have the app for your bank too so that you can keep up to date on where cash flow is at, and whether you need to chase any payments!

- All banking apps (search for your bank's name on the app store)
- Spending Tracker
- Pocket Expense
- Fuel Cost

For more information about Maxtop Quartz, visit www.maxtopquartz.co.uk or the company's Facebook and Twitter pages.


20th April 2018

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