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28th January 2021


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Six new retailers boost KBSA membership

* KBDSA-6-new-retailers.jpgThe Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Specialists Association has announced that six new retailers have joined the association; that four new members also joined last month, and that there are a further 10 applications being progressed.

The latest new retailers include 3D Kitchens.Net in Halesowen; Luton Kitchens, Bathrooms & Bedrooms; Omni Home Design in St Albans; Oxford Kitchens & Bathrooms; John Ladbury & Co in Hertfordshire and Kitchen Livingin Hampshire.

"We are delighted to welcome a record number of new members this month!" said national chair Richard Hibbert. "We are beginning to see the results from the recruitment work that our new agent Eddie Otto is doing, supported by the appointment of our national accounts manager Allister Reed. We are on target to grow the membership with 50 new retailers by summer 2019.

"We expect to see more retailers take advantage of the new Foundation membership which allows start-up businesses to take advantage of KBSA membership earlier than they could have done previously, and enables us to offer them much needed support during their formative years.

"These are exciting times for the Kbsa as we drive forward our plans to make the association bigger and stronger, enabling us to be even more successful in promoting, protecting and supporting the independent KBB retail specialist."

T: 01623 818808
E: [email protected]
W: www.kbsa.org.uk

21st September 2018

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