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BMA reveals identity of inspirational speaker

* BMA-reveals-identity.jpgThe Bathroom Manufacturers Association has revealed the identity of the previously secret motivational speaker for the 2018 Bathroom & Kitchen Business Conference, set to take place on 16th October at The Vale Resort in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Richard McCann will deliver the final presentation at the conference. His dark past which includes the murder of his mother when he was only five years old, will illustrate how it is possible to overcome adversity and turn negativity into positivity with an 'I can' attitude.

"Delegates will have never seen a presentation like Richard's before," promises BMA CEO Yvonne Orgill. "His speech is incredibly moving and inspiring and will make a sensational end to our day

"With less than two weeks to go we have a few tickets remaining so are urging those that don't want to miss out, to book now."

The event begins on 15th October with the Charity golf event, followed by the industry dinner which includes a drinks reception, entertainment, charity raffle and networking. Delegates will also have the opportunity to visit one of the bathroom industry suppliers that will be exhibiting over the two days.

Other speakers at the conference on 16th October include Iain Duncan Smith, who will provide an extremely topical and timely insight into the current political landscape and his views on the UK as a great investment opportunity in the future. He will be joined by founder and owner of Plumberparts.co.uk, James Lawrence; MarkBerrisford-Smith from HSBC and William Higham from the Next Big Thing.

For more details and to book a place:

T: 01782 631619
E: [email protected]

5th October 2018

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