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28th January 2021


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New Hoover Candy appointment cements Irish market focus

* Hoover-Candy-Irish.jpgHoover Candy Group has appointed Damian Mellet to the position of account director for the brand's built-in offering in Ireland. With experience spanning almost 20 years, Damian brings a detailed understanding of the white goods trade sector.

Damian's new role will see him tasked with strengthening sales and overseeing the brand's distribution of built-in appliances across key accounts in the Irish network.

"I'm very excited about this new opportunity and the chance to work with a brand as well-known and respected as Hoover Candy," he says. "There's the added bonus of recent successful product launches to work with, which span some of the most innovative and style-led connected appliances the market has seen for a while.

"My aim is to establish a strong brand presence in Ireland. Sales and interest in built-in appliances, whether that's cooking or laundry and dishwashing appliances, are on an upward curve. This is expected to continue, especially with new house builds set to increase in the coming years, which will only boost our opportunities within the contract market."

Rob Pearce, commercial manager for Ireland, at Hoover Candy, adds: "The Irish market is a huge focus for us and it's very important that we have the right people on board to oversee sales and distribution there. With this in mind, we're excited to welcome Damian and believe that his extensive experience in the white goods, electrical retailers and kitchen channels will be a great asset to the sales team."


12th October 2018

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