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28th January 2021


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Formica Group flushes away competition at international B2B Awards

Congratulations to Formica Group, which picked up 'Best PR Campaign' at the International B2B Awards last week. It won for 'Lifting the Lid on Washrooms' - a PR campaign targeting architects, designers and fabricators, particularly in the hospitality sector. The activity hinged around asking people what they thought of public toilets.

The activity was to support the launch of its new washroom sheet size, which is used to make toilet cubicles, allowing for deeper, taller sides.

The campaign was devised and executed by The Think Tank and involved in-depth research with 2,000 UK adults to understand that nation's toilet taboos. The research findings were contextualised in a report which explored public toilets. These were shared with the UK media and included statistics such as three quarters of Brits would prefer not to share unisex toilets with their colleagues.

"This campaign cleverly tapped into a national obsession with public toilets and created fantastic PR that both raised awareness and drove sales," says Phil Wise, marketing director, Formica Group Europe. "So we're ecstatic to pick up this award."

T: 0191 259 3512
E: [email protected]
W: www.formica.com

30th November 2018

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