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28th January 2021


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2019 Statement of Intent from Rotpunkt

* 2019-Statement-Rotpunkt.jpgIn the wake of the Brexit vote for EU withdrawal, award winning designer and manufacturer of quality German kitchen furniture, Rotpunkt, is fortifying its market position with a statement of intent for 2019/2020.

With the sole aim of minimising the possible impact of Brexit for its UK retail network, Rotpunkt has invited over 200 of the finest KBB retailers to its headquarters in Germany throughout Q4:19, so it can demonstrate its latest developments set to provide stability for its dealers and significant opportunities for new growth in 2020.

"This unbroken retail investment comes at a time of great importance," says Matt Phillips, head of UK operations, Rotpunkt.

"Recent political actions have led to the UK Government deciding whether to delay Brexit, hold another referendum and even, abandon Article 50 altogether."

Regardless of the outcome, Rotpunkt anticipates huge market change and has put dependable measures in place to limit [if not avoid], any detrimental impact to both brand and business. By already planning for Q4:19 and Q1:20 with a host of systematic dealer trips, Rotpunkt validates its intent for continued growth and preservation of the UK's retail elite.

"Rotpunkt recognises there is a lack of clarity on future 'trade', which is why we have taken such a structured approach to our business development this year," adds Matt. "We want to remove any ambiguity for our retailers so that they can concentrate on long-term profitability over momentary growth."

"There is a conclusive need to prepare for the unknown and in terms of retail, be able to monopolise the market and influence trends when the competition is being over cautious."

E: [email protected]
W: www.rotpunktuk.com / www.rotpunktkuechen.de

3rd April 2019

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