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28th January 2021


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BMA announces host and first speaker for 2019 Conference

* BMA-host.jpgThe Bathroom Manufacturers Association has named the host for the 2019 Bathroom & Kitchen Business Conference, set to take place on 8th October at the stunning Carden Park Hotel, Cheshire.

Tim Pollard, principal of Pollard and Pollard, a consultancy service working in the fields of sustainability, energy and resource efficiency in the built environment, will be facilitating the event.

Tim is well known in the bathroom industry, respected for his knowledge on compliance and other consumer issues as well as his engaging personality. He was latterly head of sustainability for Wolseley UK and has experience in all sectors of the construction market. His breadth of knowledge stretches across a wide range of products and technologies together with the implications and requirements of a sustainable supply chain.

"We are delighted that Tim will play such an important role at the conference," says BMA CEO Yvonne Orgill. "He has a wealth of knowledge about our industry and is someone that believes passionately in the provision of sustainable building solutions, a key topic for this year.

"Tickets are now on sale and likely to sell fast, so save the date and book soon."

T: 01782 631619
E: [email protected]

10th April 2019

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