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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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I wish Whirlpool luck in trying to trace all the owners of its tumble dryers that may potentially be unsafe. Anyone would think that the offer of a free replacement dryer; a free in-home modification; a refund based on the age of the appliance, or the chance to upgrade the dryer to a superior model for a fraction of the retail price, would be enough to have the owners beating a path to Whirlpool's doors, but I don't think it's going to be that easy - particularly with the thriving second hand market we have these days and people's general reluctance to register their new appliances.

In case you hadn't heard, the manufacturer has issued a recall of its tumble dryers that have not yet been modified under its long-running safety campaign, to encourage any remaining owners of affected dryers to make contact immediately. The campaign began in 2015 and has already resolved the issue for 1.7 million people - an impressive success rate of up to five times the UK average for a product recall, but not every owner has come forward.

The fresh appeal and recall is part of a renewed drive to raise awareness, which includes a £1 million advertising campaign. The safety notice relates to certain models of Hotpoint, Indesit, Creda, Swan and Proline dryers built between 2004 and 2015. Affected dryers pose a potential safety risk if not modified or replaced and anyone with an affected dryer should unplug it immediately and stop using it. People can instantly check if their dryer is one of those affected by calling 0800 151 0905, (the call centre is open seven days a week) or by visiting www.whirlpool.co.uk

I believe all of us in this industry have a responsibility to get the word out so that as many of those as possible, who may have an appliance that needs modifying, are aware of the action they should take. I often say to people that while we're all 'in the trade' we're also consumers in as much as we have kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms and all that they contain. Indeed, some of us may even own one of the appliances that has been recalled and may not be aware of it...

Keep your eyes peeled, won't you? And if you see anyone with one of these brands, please get them to check that it's not on the recall list. Whirlpool's doing the right thing by recalling the appliances that require modification. Let's help the company get the message across. It may just save a life.


Jan Hobbs



30th July 2019

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