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28th January 2021


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'Designed around you' - New 2020 Brochure by Vogue (UK)

* VOGUE-MAIN.jpgThe UK's largest manufacturer of premium designer radiators and towel warmers, Vogue (UK) celebrate 30 years in business and the launch of its new brochure for 2020 with new-look branding, renewed design and comprehensive product offering.

Vogue (UK) says it is proud to introduce its new 2020 brochure filled with leading-edge heating solutions that draw inspiration from three decades of quality design and craftsmanship.

* VOGUE-PIC2 .jpgCreated with care, precision and passion, Vogue (UK)’s products are at the forefront of heating design; the company has developed a range which reflects the eclectic architectural style of British homes and unique perspective of each customer.

"As heating design and specification becomes an integral part of qualitative interior design, we are noting a growing desire for tailor-made home solutions that are 100% subjective,” reveals Steve Birch, sales director, Vogue (UK). “Our comprehensive new brochure is designed to be all-embracing, so we can anticipate and cater to changing market trends and buying habits instantaneously."

* VOGUE-pic-3.jpgEncompassing the very best in design and expert engineering, Vogue (UK)'s 2020 product collections and unique British brand heritage are reflected perfectly by this new, premium quality lifestyle brochure.

The brochure boasts six detail-orientated product categories - Contemporary | Ladder Rails | Traditional | Designer | Electric | Vales & Accessories - plus Vogue (UK)'s exclusive Bespoke Service spanning three levels of design and manufacturing: Tubing, Joints and Colours and Finishes.

Allowing for rapid modification of existing models, the Bespoke Design & Manufacturing Service means the company can adapt and transform both design and construction to suit the individual. Alternatively, if a fully commissioned project is required, then Vogue (UK)'s collaborative design process gives full access to its team of designers and engineers to bring a specific heating concept to life.

New in 2020:

• Heating Designs: new additions in Contemporary Collection & Designer Radiators
• User-friendly data: each model includes recommended accessories, model graphics and heating symbols to explain construction, fuel type, finishes, price & product guarantees
• Lifestyle presentation: over 130 aspirational images, like the pictured Serene MD049 Mild Steel Towel Warmer with on-trend Anthracite finish and high-fashion interior styling
• Finishes: new finish options for select models
• Colours: new colour options for select models

Request your copy of the New Vogue (UK) 2020 Brochure today! Follow this link and select either a digital or printed format:


T: 01902 387000
E: [email protected]
W: www.vogueuk.co.uk

29th February 2020

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