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28th January 2021


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Educational trust offers Bathroom Academy bursary

* Education.jpgThe Potteries Mechanics Institute Trust Fund is offering a bursary for learners wishing to complete the Bathroom Academy's online courses. The bursary will fully cover the academy fees of up to 10 students.

The Bathroom Academy is an entirely web-based learning platform, with content written by industry experts. 

The Academy is designed to provide learners with the exceptional product knowledge they need to excel in the industry. Once learners have signed up to training modules they can study in their own time and sit online exams to receive certification.

The PMI Trust Fund set up formally in 1992 but has a long and distinguished history, with connections with the Pottery Mechanics Institute who had the great Josiah Wedgwood among its founding members. Now the Trust wants to help those at the development stage of their career gain the product knowledge the need to shine. Bursary beneficiaries must be involved in ceramics in any role.

"The Bathroom Academy provides an excellent opportunity for those involved in ceramics to improve their knowledge,” explains Brian Standbridge, group quality assurance director of Bathroom Brands and a PMI Trustee.

The PMI Trust Fund is all about supporting the training of up and coming professionals in the ceramic industry to get better at what they do. That's why we have decided to offer these bursaries for the Academy."

Tom Reynolds, chief executive of the Bathroom Manufacturers Association, which runs the Academy says:

"I delighted that the PMI Trust Fund is able to offer this bursary to enable new learners that may not have otherwise been able to participate. The Bathroom Academy was written by experts with the aim of boosting the product knowledge of everybody in the industry.”

To register your interest in the bursary:

E: [email protected]

31st August 2020

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