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28th January 2021


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Boiler and service upgrade makes this the best Pronteau yet

* PRONTEAU.jpgFaster, quieter and easier to install, the ProBoil.2X from Abode marks a new generation in intelligent hot water boilers.

Spelling an end to complex installation methods, the ProBoil.2X is quick and simple to fit, with self-calibration and no requirement for connection to the sink waste. The connections are colour coded using simple wingnut fixings which can be tightened without any need for specialist tools.

The Proboil.2X has a 2 litre stainless steel tank, with simple intuitive digital controls. Water is delivered at a regulated and splutter-free rate through an Abode Pronteau tap, while the boiler's higher rating element results in a faster reboil and heating time.

A touch display on the boiler enables a temperature range between 80 and 98 degrees to be easily selected, while a filter life indicator gives a visual and audible guide to when a change is necessary. The new boiler has an eco-setting and power saving mode enabling improvements in home energy efficiency when compared to boiling the kettle.

The appliance is supplied with a two-year no quibble guarantee as well as the backing of Abode’s nationwide service engineer network, utilising the existing network of over 30 Norcros engineers and can offer simple advice at the end of the phone.

T: 01226 283434
E: [email protected]
W: www.abode.eu

7th December 2020

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