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KBzine: the original kitchen and bathroom industry e-newssince 2002
28th January 2021


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I finished my last Leader saying I was hoping to share good news with you and although I have some, it’s not quite what I’d planned. With Brexit and Covid threatening food supplies I knew I’d be foolish to risk going without a fridge freezer any longer than the two months I’d already suffered, so set about finding the highest capacity, affordable appliance, that fitted the space, which could be delivered quickly - still determined to deal with the companies that had let me down. Because of time constraints, I used an online supplier serving many manufacturers and found an appliance advertised at 402 litres. After an online chat to check specifications – including capacity, I ordered it.

Knowing how tough it is for couriers at the moment, I told mine I’d unpack the appliance. Once finished, I realised it had far less capacity than advertised. I don’t know how long the call to customer services took but it was part of the two-hours plus I’ve been on the phone to them over the past 11 days. A complaint form instructed that I upload pictures of me measuring the interior of both compartments. The form wouldn’t allow me to upload, but while I was once again on the phone to them, I checked the manufacturer’s website and discovered that the advertisement was incorrect by 106 litres!

Being in a hurry, I incurred my family’s wrath by buying a more expensive appliance whilst complaining about the wrongly advertised one, arranging simultaneous collection/delivery. The couriers couldn’t collect though because of Covid regulations and complained that the supplier had known this for a long time - and that it was booking them in to install washing machines – also against regulations. I sent them away with my new appliance and told the supplier to remove the other one pronto, whilst refunding me in full. The shenanigans didn’t stop there and I haven’t shared the half of it! What I will say is that despite many conversations and emails highlighting the issue, the appliance is STILL on the website advertised as being 402 rather than 296 litres, 11 days after I first pointed out the error!

My good news is that I ordered from the manufacturer instead and have nothing but praise for appliance and service received. You can read how I’ve mastered the new technology in January as well as how my complaints with the other suppliers/repairer have been handled.

Meanwhile, I hope your Christmas is good and that you get to spend time with those who are important to you.


Jan Hobbs



22nd December 2020

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