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28th January 2021
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BRE Academy and IEMA announce educational collaboration
The Building Research Establishment's training body, the BRE Academy, and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, have signed an agreement that will see the partners collaborate to develop and deliver industry relevant sustainability training courses.
These will be embedded into both Higher and Further Education programmes to enable graduates to have market ready qualifications and support employers in their recruitment selection process.
The collaboration will play a key role in IEMAs current 'Skills for a Sustainable Economy: Preparing for the Perfect Storm' campaign, which aims to highlight the critical need for environment and sustainability skills in businesses worldwide.
"Training and education provision is a key service which we provide for our 15,000 strong global membership, who are focussed on driving more sustainable practices and standards across all sectors," explains chief executive of IEMA Tim Balcon. "Collaboration with the BRE Academy will enable us to offer new skills programmes with a focus on the built environment which plays such an integral part of every business and industry as well as the economy."
The partners are looking at developing courses around the challenges of delivering a more sustainable and resilient built environment, as the effects of climate change are felt on buildings and infrastructures worldwide.
Director of the BRE Academy, Pauline Traetto says: "As an organisation, BRE shares very similar goals and values to IEMA. We want to make a positive difference and reduce adverse impacts on the environment for the benefit of people and the commercial world. We are delighted to work with IEMA in this way and develop targeted and applicable training programmes for educational institutes and industry."
E: [email protected]
W: www.bre.co.uk / www.iema.net
22nd May 2015