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28th January 2021


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KBB NTG launches series of industry learning guides

* Guide-Fan.jpgThe KBB National Training Group tells us it is delighted to announce the launch of a series of industry Learning Guides. The guides have been developed to form part of the Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom industry's Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as well as building together to form a foundation of learning - adding support to our industry's education programme.

The subjects covered within the series include Compliance, Inclusive Design, Lighting, Surveying and Ventilation. Each guide is focused on a specific subject and contains a wealth of useful informative information.

"It is essential that individuals working within the industry keep up-to-date with the constant changes in technology, trends, compliance and regulations," says Renee Mascari, CEO. "With this in mind the guides have been written in partnership with industry contributors and our thanks go to them and to the Construction Industry Training Board for supporting the development of the guides.

"The new guides are a great resource and reference point."
The guides are available to purchase both in printed and PDF formats via the new online shop on the KBB NTG website:

T: 0115 921 4864
E: [email protected]

22nd May 2015

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