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28th January 2021


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Abacus Manufacturing Group helps bathroom installers become waterproof professionals

* Abacus-installer-training.jpgAbacus Manufacturing Group recently held a dedicated training day for bathroom installers who want to fit perfect wetrooms and become waterproof professionals.

The 15 installers were trained by Abacus' Managing Director, Ian Pattison, and his team throughout that day, learning everything they need to know about Abacus' Elements products and how these trays and boards can be used to waterproof any room.

"It was a great day and very beneficial for the installers to see how to use Elements in order to create a completely waterproof wetroom," reports Ian.

T: 0845 8 50 50 40
W: www.abacusdirect.co.uk

19th June 2015

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